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Hermes Console

Hermes Console is served by Hermes Management and can be configured via application property files under console property.

If you want to see console default config then take a look on application-local.yaml file.

Option Description
console.title what to display in left upper corner, next to Hermes logo
dashboard.metrics link to metrics dashboard, available on Console home page link to documentation, available on Console home page

Metric Store integration

Hermes console could have a button on the topics and subscriptions view that takes you to a dashboard with metrics. In order to make it work you have to provide an implementation of

Option Description
metrics.fetchingDashboardUrlEnabled enable fetching dashboard url from hermes-management and show the referring UI button


Hermes Console supports two types of authorization, which can be enabled at the same time (OAuth > headers):

  • OAuth2, using hellojs - it allows on logging in and each request going to Management will contain the Authorization header with the token
  • header-based - this is the simple method, if passing tokens/passwords around is okay

Note none of above mentioned authorization methods are available in Management out of the box at the moment, you need to provide the implementation.

Option Description
auth.oauth.enabled enable OAuth support
auth.oauth.url url to OAuth authorization endpoint
auth.oauth.clientId OAuth client id
auth.oauth.scope assigned scope
auth.headers.enabled enable simple authorization support
auth.headers.adminHeader name of header to bear admin password

Topic configuration

Option Description
topic.messagePreviewEnabled show message preview tab on topic view; enable only if message preview is enabled in Frontend
topic.offlineClientsEnabled show offline clients section on topic view
topic.offlineClientsIframeSource source for an inline iframe with view for offline clients

Subscription configuration

Option Description
subscription.endpointAddressResolverMetadata extend subscription address resolver configuration with specified metadata fields


"subscription": {
    "endpointAddressResolverMetadata": {
        "exampleEntryEnabled": {
            "title": "Example boolean entry",
            "type": "boolean"
        "exampleTextEntry": {
            "title": "Example text entry",
            "type": "text",
            "placeholder": "You should write something here",
            "hint": "This should help somehow..."
        "exampleSelectEntry": {
            "title": "Example select entry",
            "type": "select",
            "options": {
                "": "<clear>",
                "a": "An option",
                "b": "Another option"

This will add 3 additional fields to subscription configuration, all optional.

Owners configuration

Option Description
owner.sources a list of owner sources customizations


"owner": {
    "sources": [
        {"name": "Plaintext", "placeholder": "this will display as placeholder in the owner input"}