Publishing buffer persistence

Hermes Frontend API has option to register callbacks triggered during different phases of message lifetime:

ChronicleMap implementation

Default implementation uses OpenHFT ChronicleMap to persist unsent messages to disk. Map structure is continuously persisted to disk, as it is stored in offheap memory as memory mapped file.

When Hermes Frontend starts up it scans filesystem in search of existing persisted map. If found, it is read and any persisted events are sent to Message Store. This way recovering after crash is fully automatic. If Hermes process or server crashes, nothing is lost.

There is additional protection against flooding subscribers with outdated events. When reading events from persisted storage, Hermes filters out messages older than N hours, where N is a system parameter and is set to 3 days by default. This might be useful when reviving Frontend nodes that have been down for a longer period of time.

Option Description Default value enable persistent buffer false ignore messages in buffer that are older than N hours 72 location of memory mapped files /tmp/

Buffer files

Buffer is persisted into hermes-buffer.dat file in storage directory. On startup, if previous persistence file exists, it is renamed to hermes-buffer-<timestamp>.dat. This is a temporary file, deleted after all messages are read and sent to Kafka.

Custom implementation

To register callbacks use methods exposed in HermesFrontend.Builder:

class BrokerListener implements BrokerAcknowledgedListener,
                                BrokerErrorListener {

    public void onAcknowledge(Message message, Topic topic) {
        /* ... */

    public void onTimeout(Message message, Topic topic) {
        /* ... */

    public void onError(Message message, Topic topic, Exception ex) {
        /* ... */

class HermesStarter {

    public void start(BrokerListener listener) {
        HermesFrontend frontend = HermesFrontend.frontend()