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This section covers basic operational aspects of deploying Hermes. For more on configuring Hermes read:


As the architecture overview states, there are two systems that are required to run Hermes:

  • Kafka
  • Zookeeper

In our opinion it is best practice, to run them on separate hosts, so Hermes does not affect them.


Each module is a stateless application. There can be as many of them running in parallel as it is required. For best performance and easy maintenance, each Hermes module should also be deployed on separate host.


All Hermes Java modules require Java 11 to work. Hermes Console has no external dependencies.

Passing environment variables

All Java modules share the same bundling strategy: Gradle distZips. In order to pass any command line options to executables use:

  • HERMES_<module name>_OPTS for application options
  • JAVA_OPTS for Java specific options

for example:

export HERMES_FRONTEND_OPTS="-Dfrontend.port=8090"
export JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx2g"

Java options

It is advised to run Hermes Frontend and Consumers with G1 garbage collector and at least 1GB heap:

-XX:+UseG1GC -Xms1g


External configuration

Management, Frontend and Consumers being Spring Boot application using Spring Boot Externalized Configuration to manage configuration, shares the same options to provide additional configuration. The most basic way to provide external configuration file is to export an environment variable:


or specify its location in system property:

export HERMES_FRONTEND_OPTS="-Dspring.config.location=file:///opt/hermes/conf/frontend.yaml"
export HERMES_CONSUMERS_OPTS="-Dspring.config.location=file:///opt/hermes/conf/consumers.yaml"

Configuration is stored in YAML format.

Overwriting configuration using ENV

export HERMES_MANAGEMENT_OPTS="-D<configuration-option>=<value>"
export HERMES_MANAGEMENT_OPTS="-Dserver.port=8070"


Hermes Console is a simple Single Page Application served using NodeJS. It accepts two arguments:

  • -p or HERMES_CONSOLE_PORT env variable to specify port (default: 8000)
  • -c or HERMES_CONSOLE_CONFIG env variable to specify configuration file (default: ./config.json)

The config.json file is mandatory, Hermes Console will crash when unable to read it. See configuring Hermes Console section for more information.

Hermes Console has no dependencies and will run out of the box on Linux machines. To run it, use provided script:

./ -p 8000 -c /etc/hermes-console/config.json